Final Evaluation

For the Musical Theatre 2 final, I have to prepare 32 bars of music and a two minute monologue. Also, I have to bring a headshot and a resume. The whole point of this assignment is that it’s a mock audition. After the performance, people from the class give you critiques. It’s a little scary because some people have no filter but if I do well, no one will really come at me. I still don’t know what music or monologue to prepare, I don’t really have a lot of time either.

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Class Performance

Today in class, I performed a scene and a song with my friend Heather Robinson. Ms. Stoffle challenged the both of us with a dramatic scene. This was unusual for us because our strong suit is comedic. I liked challenging myself and I liked how different it was from comedy. During the performance, our music stopped and we had to keep going. None of us broke character and I’m really proud of us for that.

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Theatre Banquet

The theatre department is having a banquet that I’m very excited for. It’s next Wednesday and I just bought my tickets. I’m excited to dress up and see everyone from the department. Also, I get to hang out with my senior friends for the last time. It’s sad to see them leave, but they’re on to bigger things.


Ms. Stoffle told me that I got into advanced drama! I’m very excited because my two best friends are in that class too. I can’t wait to gain more experience and improve my singing and acting. Next year sure will keep be busy because now I’m required to act in three shows in a year. I have to balance theatre with work and cheer, but it’ll be okay.

Also, I got into Cabaret! I’m so happy I get to perform with Megan, we work really well together and I can’t wait to keep rehearsing and perfecting the song.

The Waiting…

  • My advanced audition went really well! Sadly, I won’t know the results until next month, which sucks. I’m still excited to perform for Cabaret with Megan, we’re still in the process of blocking our song. We work really well together and I can’t wait to perform with her.

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Advanced Drama and Cabaret Auditions

Advanced Drama: I have two very important auditions next Tuesday that I am both nervous and excited for. The first one is for the Advanced Drama class. I have to perform a 1-2 minute monologue. The monologue I chose is comedic and I have most of it memorized. If I get in the class, it will keep me very busy because the requirement is to be in three shows in the school year. I have to find a way to balance that with cheer, but I think I’ll be fine.

Cabaret: My second audition on Tuesday is for Cabaret. This is a very fun show my school has at the end of each school year. There is a theme and you can perform a scene, song, or dance that goes with the theme. This year, the theme is Broadway Backwards. For this theme, people have to perform as characters they would never get casted for in real life. My best friend Megan and I are going to sing Two Nobodies In New York from Title of Show. The song is a male duet, so it’s perfect for the theme and I think it’ll be really funny. For the audition you just perform in front of Ms. Stoffle and Ms. Levesque, and they determine whether you can perform it for Cabaret or not.

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Meditation in Musical Theatre????

In class today Ms. Stoffle had us all lay down on the stage in the auditorium. We did some yoga and meditation. I enjoyed it, but the whole time i was thinking, “What the heck does this have to do with theatre?”. When the session was over, Ms. Stoffle explained to us that before a show it’s really good to find a way too destress such as yoga and meditation. It actually made me very relaxed and I felt some weight come off of my shoulders. Meditation is actually something I think is very helpful to do before a show. Try it for yourself sometime, whether you have a show or not.

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Image result for meditation in theatre


Bad news…

I auditioned for Hairspray in November and I got casted. Rehearsals started and everything was going as planned. The show is close to being ready to perform next month, but last week my parents told me some bad news. There is a family reunion in March and it’s the same weekend as show weekend. I can’t leave my family behind because many relatives are coming from different countries and I need to see them. This means I had to quit the show. I’m so sad I can’t be a part of the musical this year but at least I have two other years to make up for it.

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Classes and Experience

As a child, I loved performing in front of my friends and family. When I was in 6th grade, I begged my parents to sign me up for an acting class. My love for being on stage began right then and there. I took acting classes from ages 11-14. Growing up I also had a love for singing, I thought why not combine the two things I love to do into one. This is when I signed up for musical theatre going into my freshman year. It’s one of the best decisions I have made. There finally was a class that I could enjoy and express myself in. I’ve been taking this class for two years. I have met my closest friends through theatre and now I can’t imagine living life without them. My theatre teacher is moving me up to Advanced Drama for my junior and senior year and I can’t wait to learn and preform at a higher level there.

Zoie Davis, Julia Miller, Julia Souto, Heather Robinson, Jessica Hays

Performing a solo (Not for the Life of Me- Thoroughly Modern Millie)

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

When this project was given to me, it was a little difficult for me to discover what my passion was. I started to think about what I love to do, and I immediately knew that I have a passion for musical theatre. I love theatre because it helped me become more outgoing and it got me out of my shell. It’s a big part of my life because I have made so many friends and memories through theatre and have learned many things about myself as well. This blog is dedicated to my passion for theatre.

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